Author: Heather DeRose

5 Benefits for Mental Health with Medical Marijuana 4 Apr

5 Benefits for Mental Health with Medical Marijuana

Benefits for Mental Health Better mental health and improved quality of life are associated with medical marijuana. A growing number of medical marijuana recommendations are for mental health purposes, like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. More than 3.6 million people around the country are estimated to be medical cannabis consumers. Improved Quality of Life  According to […]

Prescription Pills: 3 Benefits of Medical Marijuana 4 Apr

Prescription Pills: 3 Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Prescription Pills: Is Medical Marijuana Better? Prescription pills are a growing problem in the United States. This is leading many to choose medical marijuana over prescription pills. There are several benefits to using medical marijuana as a treatment option over prescription painkillers or opioids. Opioids, sometimes referred to as narcotics, are a class of drugs […]

Treating Insomnia 14 Mar

Treating Insomnia with Medical Marijuana

Treating insomnia with medical marijuana. Learn about insomnia, PTSD diagnosis, and how medical marijuana can help. Studies show medical marijuana can be an effective treatment for insomnia. Insomnia is the inability to promote and maintain quality sleep, despite having the opportunity for sleep to occur. Sleep disorders are one of the most common health problems, […]

Medical Marijuana for PTSD Symptoms 11 Mar

Medical Marijuana for PTSD Symptoms

A guide to treating PTSD symptoms with medical marijuana. Learn about PTSD symptoms, PTSD diagnosis, and how medical marijuana can help. What is PTSD? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD can occur after a person has experienced or witnessed something traumatic. Going through a traumatic experience is not rare and can happen to anyone.  The U.S. […]

Medical Marijuana for Anxiety Symptoms 31 Jan

Medical Marijuana for Anxiety Symptoms

Medical Marijuana for Anxiety Symptoms Medical marijuana can be an effective treatment option for anxiety symptoms. The amount of people living with anxiety disorders in the United States has increased dramatically in the last few years. Quick Facts About Anxiety Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the United States. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) […]