Medical Marijuana for PTSD Symptoms

Medical Marijuana for PTSD Symptoms
11 Mar

Medical Marijuana for PTSD Symptoms

A guide to treating PTSD symptoms with medical marijuana. Learn about PTSD symptoms, PTSD diagnosis, and how medical marijuana can help.

What is PTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD can occur after a person has experienced or witnessed something traumatic. Going through a traumatic experience is not rare and can happen to anyone. 

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs states about 6 out of every 100 people will have PTSD at some point in their lives. 

Approximately 15 million adults will have PTSD during a given year. Among those struggling with PTSD, about 8% are women, while 4% are men. 

PTSD Symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms often occur within one month of a traumatic experience. However, symptoms can sometimes occur years later. It is important to remember that everyone responds differently to trauma and can have a wide range of symptoms. In some cases, PTSD symptoms become persistent and debilitating. 

The Mayo Clinic groups symptoms into the following 4 types of PTSD symptoms. 

1. Intrusive Memories

Intrusive memories include recurrent, unwanted memories of a traumatic event, flashbacks, upsetting dreams or nightmares, and severe emotional distress to something reminding of a traumatic event. 

2. Avoidance  

Avoidance is avoiding thinking or talking about the traumatic event and avoiding places, activities, or people that remind someone of the event.

3. Negative changes in thoughts and mood 

Changes include negative thoughts about oneself, other people, or the world. These thoughts may come across as hopelessness about the future, difficulty maintaining close relationships, lack of interest in activities once enjoyed. Many have a difficult time experiencing positive emotions.

4. Changes in physical or emotional reactions

Changes in reactions often include self-destructive behavior, such as drinking too much or driving too fast. Being easily startled, always on guard, having trouble sleeping or concentrating, irritability, guilt, and shame are other symptoms of PTSD emotional reactions. 

PTSD symptoms can vary over time and change intensity during stressful situations. It is crucial to get help from an experienced mental health provider after a traumatic event to help prevent and treat PTSD symptoms. 

Treating PTSD Symptoms with Medical Marijuana

A growing number of states include PTSD as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana treatment. Other states allow a doctor’s discretion for a medical marijuana recommendation, but encourage certifying patients with PTSD. Medical marijuana has been shown to help reduce stress, improve mood and improve sleep for many people, which is why many have reported improvements with PSTD symptoms with the use of medical marijuana. 

study from Wayne State University researched how cannabis use impacts the amygdala response of those suffering from trauma-related anxiety and PTSD. Researchers found those who were administered THC from cannabis had lowered threat-related amygdala reactivity, reduced fear, and anxiety. Suggesting those with PTSD were able to experience less fear with the help of the cannabinoid. Another study concludes cannabinoids enhance the extinction rate for challenging memories and reduce overall anxiety responses in individuals with PTSD. 

3 Benefits of Medical Marijuana 

Medical marijuana is becoming a more common treatment among those suffering from PSTD symptoms. Benefits for using medical marijuana for PTSD symptom treatment include:

  1. Reduced Side Effects 
  • Medical marijuana has fewer side effects than conventional pharmaceuticals. 

      2. Non-Addictive

  • Medical marijuana is not addictive like pharmaceuticals. 

     3. Treat more symptoms

  • Medical Marijuana can treat several symptoms of PTSD, versus taking a different prescription for each symptom. 

Get a PTSD Diagnosis

Our medical professionals can provide a diagnosis for individuals who want to try medical marijuana for PTSD symptoms. One of our state-licensed mental health professionals can provide an accurate diagnosis that your doctor will accept. We specialize in PTSD diagnosis and are familiar with the benefits of using medical marijuana for PTSD symptoms. Get started by completing this PTSD self questionnaire.